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Language Flexibility for Shopify Plus: Powering Multilingual Stores with Contentful

Contentful is an increasingly popular web-based content management system (CMS) for eCommerce stores and other platforms. As its popularity grows, merchants are increasingly discovering Contentful’s ability to enable multilingual Shopify Plus stores. Due to its features, Contentful is ideal for supporting multi-language stores and localized experiences.

Contentful’s support for multilingual stores starts with its flexible content model and architecture. Contentful stores data as “Entries” which can consist of text, images, audio, and video, among other things. Each entry is associated with a specific language and can be translated into multiple languages. This means that a store owner can create a single piece of content that can be displayed in multiple languages on the store’s website. The same applies to product descriptions and other dynamic content elements.

Contentful also provides merchants with a powerful Content Delivery API (CDA). With CDA, stores can offer localized content on any platform. This is especially useful for Shopify Plus stores that need to display content on multiple domains. Contentful’s CDA integration facilitates dynamic delivery of content based on each domain’s language settings. In addition, Contentful’s rich content editing experience helps merchants keep all their content across multiple languages consistent.

Contentful’s unified search and preview feature enables merchants to quickly search for existing content items and quickly preview items and translations. This makes it easy to maintain the accuracy of content and translations in Shopify Plus stores.

Contentful’s version control and workflow features help keep multilingual stores consistent over time. With this feature, merchants can easily review and approve multi-language versions of content before publishing it to the live website. This ensures that all stores stay up to date with the latest content and translations.

Contentful provides store owners with the tools they need to manage multilingual Shopify Plus stores. With its flexible content model, API integration for content delivery, powerful editing experience, and version control tools, Contentful is an invaluable solution for any merchant looking to manage multilingual stores.

Want to get started on Contentful? Silk can help.