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Setup a Resource Center for B2B Customers on BigCommerce

Creating a resource center is a great way to give B2B customers more information about your product or service. At BigCommerce, there are several ways to set up a resource center for your customers. We’ll explain what you need to know about setting up a B2B resource center in BigCommerce.

First, you need to create a content page on your BigCommerce store. This content page should provide an overview of what customers can expect from your resource center. It must also contain a link or form to access the resources. Once your content page is set up, you can start adding resources directly. BigCommerce offers tools and features that make it easy to manage your resources. You can organize and categorize resources based on keyword searches and tags. You can also create links to other pages and files to make it easier for customers to find the resources they need.

Another great feature of a B2B resource center is the ability to embed videos. Videos can be one of the most engaging and valuable resources you offer your customers. BigCommerce makes it easy to embed video tutorials, product demos, and more. You can also use the BigCommerce API to connect to other platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. This allows customers to find and access resources through their social media accounts. This can be especially useful for companies that need to work with other companies or clients that require frequent and immediate support.

Finally, BigCommerce also offers multiple options for distributing your resources. You can provide download links, upload them to other storage solutions, and even email them directly to customers. With all of these options, you can easily ensure that your clients get the resources they need.

With BigCommerce, setting up a B2B resource center is easy and straightforward. With the tools and features provided by BigCommerce, it’s easier than ever to create a vibrant and useful resource center for B2B customers.

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