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Product Recommendation Engines on BigCommerce B2B Edition

Business-to-business (B2B) customers often have different needs than business-to-business (B2C) customers and may require product recommendation mechanisms tailored to their needs. Fortunately, as a company using the BigCommerce eCommerce platform, you can build product recommendation engines tailored to the unique needs of your B2B customers.

BigCommerce allows companies to configure product recommendation engines for B2B customers using modules from third-party developers. These modules can access customers’ purchase history, website visits, search history, and other data to determine exactly which products customers are most likely to buy. With access to this data, entrepreneurs can make targeted, accurate product recommendations tailored to the needs of their B2B customers.

Another way BigCommerce enables companies to set up product recommendation engines for B2B customers is through API technology. Using the BigCommerce API, you can create personalized product recommendations for customers based on their individual preferences and purchase history. By using the API, business owners can create personalized product recommendations for their customers that are more likely to lead to sales.

Finally, BigCommerce enables companies to configure product recommendation engines for B2B customers using built-in algorithms. By tracking customer purchase history and behavior, companies can create tailored product recommendation engines that improve customer experience and increase conversions. BigCommerce’s algorithms can quickly filter data and analyze customer advice, helping business owners create dynamic product recommendations that their B2B customers are sure to appreciate.

Overall, if you run a business using the BigCommerce eCommerce platform and want to set up product recommendation engines for B2B customers, you have several options to choose from. From third-party modules to APIs and algorithms, you can use the BigCommerce platform to create personalized product recommendations for B2B customers that improve their experience with your company and increase conversion rates.

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