Magento Module Create

Magento 2 Module Creator

We added a quick URL (Making Magento Module) for Magento Module Creator.

Click Here to view the Magento 1 Module Creator or Click Here to view instructions

*Indicates Required Fields

For safety reasons, please merge

Setup\UpgradeSchema-{{Version Number}}.php to Setup\UpgradeSchema.php

before installing this module.

* Model Name * Table Name * Primary Key Need Backend Model Manager Need Report Need Frontend Data Table Action
* Attribute Code * Label * Input Type Scope Default Value Note Class Values Required Action
* Entity Type * Attribute Code * Label * Input Type Show on Frontend Forms to Use In Default Value Note Values Required * Sort Order Action
* Entity Type * Attribute Code *Data Type Action
* Order Status Name * Order Status Code * States Action
$myObject = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(array('text' => 'value'));

$this->_eventManager->dispatch('silksoftware_dispatch_event_example', ['obj' => $myObject]);
* Magento Event Code/Custom Event Code   (Magento 2 Events List) * Class Name ('Observer/{{Class Name}}.php' ) * Event Area Action
*Title *Method Name *Displayed Error Message *Code *Sort Order *Active Action
*Class Name (Cron/{{Class Name}}.php) *Cron SyntaxMagento Cron Syntax Tool Action
   For example: (*/5 * * * *) Every 5 minute run cron job.  
*Class Name *Method Name *Plugin Type *Scope *Sort Order *Disabled Action
*Name *Description *Code *Add Parameters Demo Action
*Action Name *Short Description Action
*Language Action
*Label *Code *Amount Action

Define extra fee logic in path 'Model\Quote\Total\{Code}.php'.
*Label *Method Action

Define method content in path 'Model\Api.php'.

Demo in php
$client = new SoapClient('http://yourhost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$session = $client->login('******', '******');
$date = $client->call($session, 'yourmodulename_api.yourmethod');
$client = new Zend_XmlRpc_Client('http://yourhost/api/xmlrpc/');
$session = $client->call('login', array('******', '******'));
$date=$client->call('call', array($session, 'yourmodulename_api.yourmethod'));
*Class Name Action
Magento System Configuration Instruction
* Tab Code * Tab Label * Sort Order Action
* Tab Code * Section Code * Section Label * Show In Default * Show In Website * Show In Store * Sort Order Action
Magento Default Tabs
* Section Code * Group Code * Group Label * Show In Default * Show In Website * Show In Store * Sort Order Action
* Section Code * Group Code * Field Code * Field Label * Field Type Comment * Show In Default * Show In Website * Show In Store * Sort Order Action
Magento EAV Model  
*Entity Type Code * Model Name * Table Name Need Backend Model Manager Need Report Need Frontend Data Table Action
* Entity Type Code * Attribute Code *Data Type Action


Magento 2 Module Creator is a magento 2 online module tool.Click button 'Create Magento Module' start create a new Magento 2 Module.

You may define your module name, company name etc.Through the different options you can create different functional module.

Function Include:

  1. Update Version
  2. Create a Frontend Page
  3. Create a Backend Page
  4. Create a data module, Create a 'Backend Model Manager' for add delete change search this data module.
  5. Add new category attribute
  6. Add new customer attribute
  7. Add new customer address attribute
  8. Add new sales attribute
  9. Run sql in the magento database
  10. Run installing php code in the magento system
  11. Add Magento 2 Event
  12. Add New Shipping Method
  13. Add Magento Cron Job
  14. Add Magento 2 plugin
  15. Add Magento 2 widget
  16. Add Magento 2 console command
  17. Add Magento 2 language csv file
  18. Add New Order Total (fee or discount)
  19. Rewrite Magento 2 Class (Helper , Block , Model and Controller)